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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Latest Myosource Video is posted

This one should be the best one yet. I am eager to see the response to it. It was exhausting to shoot and to edit. I have give thanks to my wifey, Emily for help me with the "matrix" shot. She did a good job, especially considering our resources. I also want to thank DJ A.H. and Fredrikh101 for their music. It really makes the action pop. Take a look and tell me what you think. All critiques welcomed.





My Channel:

That's it for now. I will check y'all later.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Something like an intro

Welcome readers,

This is just to let folks know what I have been up to since signing in September. I have been shooting a few videos and trying to parlay that into something bigger. Marketing yourself as a pro athlete is harder than most think. I have new respect for MJ. Sometimes, it isn't all about your ability to get your name attached to a product. You can view the currently uploaded videos at http://www.youtube.com/user/swoletrain44?feature=mhum.

Finally finished shooting (I hope) video for the next big promo video for Myosource. This one should be much better than "Myosource Training". I hope the views go along with this. I'm hoping it will be bigger than the Myosource Core video. I will post the link when I have finished uploading it to youtube.

Also, training for the 2011 season is coming along. I'm looking for some new tips for OL training. This will be an interesting experience playing on the other side of the ball. I hope I get some reps on "The Darkside" during training camp. The schedule is out and I am excited to be playing against a friend of mine four times. I will also be joined, in cmap, by another former Cougar, Bubba Evans. I still got to treat him competition though because it's all a numbers game at this level.

That's all for now. I'll check y'all later.