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Sunday, November 28, 2010


I am often asked about which supplements I use to get to my size. People are usually shocked when I tell them I use nothing. Either that or they feel I am lying to them. The only supplements I have ever used are protein shakes. And I have stopped using them for the most part because they are not always safe. I have come across too many articles citing use of cardboard and other fillers to cut costs. Add to that the fact that the FDA seems to be reluctant to adding supplements to their governance.

I am not against supplements. I just don't want to end up being part of a class action suit wondering why I didn't follow my conscience. In fact, there are many supplements that are effective. My advice is 1) only buy from a trustworthy brand and not those that have a history of getting athletes suspended or banned. 2) seek supplements that are not only natural, but will not violate your body or obstruct natural processes of your body 3) consult a HEALTH professional. 4) read about what you're looking to use. Either personal testimonials or peer reviewed articles will give you a good starting point.

My top picks would be creatine and protein.

That's all for now. I'll check y'all later.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Earlier this month, I wrote about a coach and his bad practice. It urns out that he was not fully to blame. His former employer seemed to have dropped the ball from the get go. I feel for all the players signed who are searching for a home and wish you all good luck. And I apologize to the coach for letting him take all the heat.

Friday, November 19, 2010

New Videos - Legs at Home, Core, Whole Body

As always, before starting a new routine or exercise program, consult your physician or healthcare professional. And remember have fun!!!

That's all for now. I'll check y'all later.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Myosource Interview

I have been asked about this bands and here are my answers to the most frequent questions.

Or click here

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Long Time Coming, But Wait There's More

I'm up late thinking about what I have done to get to where I am in football. Some people around me are telling me that I have accomplished something great. My eyes are still fixed on that higher goal. The biggest stage is where I want to reach. Not just the NFL, but winning a Super Bowl. In just 3 short years since starting in the minor league level of football, I have played 62 games. That equates to six seasons at this level. I have played in 5 playoffs, 4 championships and been on one winning team. That may something to brag about for some players, but all of that equals one step to me. I'm not belittling any of it, but there's more to achieve.

The next step will be winning the IFL championship. I plan on tearing through opponents in whatever capacity my coaches seem fit. And after that, moving up...

I have to reach the top of the mountain.

That's all for now. I'll check y'all later.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Shady Characters

Football is a game I love. I have invested a lot of time and effort for the sake of it. I really get upset when an individual or individuals get involved in football for themselves. I don't mean accolades or even a salary. It's natural that a person will get rewarded in some way in a high-stake endeavour like sports. The people that bug me are the ones who cheat others for their gain.

Whether it is selling a false dream or taking someone's money for nothing, it bothers me. Unfortunately, with so many people trying to make it to the next level, there are too many opportunities to bamboozle folks in football. Recently, a team representative that recruited me pulled a move that has to rank amongst the top 10 worst moves I have ever come to know of. He had some sort of misunderstanding with the upper management of the team and decided to retaliate. He did this by telling all the players that were signed a lie. Luckily, I was not involved since I was signed by a reputable organization, but a friend of mine was, my agent was, and some of his clients were. 

The lie was big enough to alter a lot of lives. People are still dealing with it. People like this are bad for the sport. They have a big effect on the lives of young people and they're greed/egos destroy so much. I have seen league owners try to get their team a championship by altering rules. I have seen agents take money without results and ask for more money. I have seen team owners screw over players by not paying them or moving them to avoid federal authorities. I have seen leagues set up so they could collect money from players and never start a season. It happens from little league to pro leagues, but the more we bring it to light the less it should happen....hopefully. The more things like this happen, the less likely my son will have a chance to enjoy putting on the pads.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Few Commercials

Promo Video

I have done a promo video for an upcoming project my agent is doing. You should check it out. It wasn't my original idea, but I believe it still turned out great. Let me kno what you think.




When he is done with the project, I will post it up here.

That's all for now. I'll check y'all later